Monday 8 August 2011

karma -the secret behind living

The great spiritual book 'Bhagwat Geeta' is just not a spiritual book , not just a verse but is the hard core reality towards life.But irony is we read that when we are with no work or have gone through any miserable situation in life.Even i have not read it full but one thing is for sure that whatever we do , we face, whether good or bad is all because its our deeds or KARMA we have done.Not necessarily they have been done intentionally but somehow we acted stupid to such situations and took a decision.That decision led us to KARMA.
A few days back i was thinking that why some people are good and some bad when god made them every one with same affection and equality.Then why some are lucky and some not? some are  rich and some poor?
We say humans are the  best creation of god. But as to some Socio biological theory 'Man is a social animal'.so if we are animals then what is the difference between us and real animals? are they not animals.
I brooded over this so much and then I read Bhagwat Geeta, its not that  I did not know about it earlier but its simple that i was much busy portraying myself a good person rather than be. believe or not but i think many of us do the same.
After going through some portion of this immensely knowledgeable book I percieved the answer of above questions.Its only the karma which seperate us from those real animals.
They don't have thought process or concious to think what they are doing but we have been gifted by god through that.Its only the karma qualify us be the greatest creation of god .Now whether those karma has to be good or bad is actually our responsibility not god' stop blaming god for whatever bad happening to you and think where you went wrong.Self appraisal is the only key towards a peaceful living.
whatever you do just think and be ready for the repercussions. if you are destined for positive after that karma then you have to be also ready to face the negative.

1 comment:

  1. wow di, u r quite a writer,. the thoughts and ideas portrays the experience that you have and how well this has been put into words, indeed is ecstatic,...looking forward for more write ups,
